Saturday, March 10, 2012

Bringin' the Bugs to the Ball

Hey ya'll 

The insect addict is at it again, and while many people may not be able to wrap their mind around the concept of live insect jewelry (yup, that's REAL LIVE insects used as adornments. Look it up on Google), I'm pretty sure that more than a few of you can come to terms with these adorable and realistic looking insect pins. 

The insect pins, which are 100% handmade are incredibly life-like and have been sculpted from clay and adorned with such things like plastic wings and fur to increase the illusion that they are in fact real! I think they make quite adorable embellishments for any summery outfit and I incidentally wore them quite recently myself for a Spring-time themed event. Indeed, what better way to capture the heart of Spring than the hustle and bustle of bright flower print shirts sparsely decorated with the brilliant hues of life-like insects! 



Brittanie said...

You look smashing!! I'll have to look for some pins like these some where. Could be very useful.

I have suprizes to show you. *^^*

Cyren said...

Thank you!

It is always a pleasure to receive compliments from a lady! Especially when she is one that can appreciate bugs!!!

also the pins are handmade I'm afraid, by yours truly, so I'm not sure if you will find them there >.<